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日期:2022-10-20  来源:   点击:









1. 煤炭清洁高效转化技术

2. 有机固废资源化利用技术

3. 能源与环境催化技术















1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,22178001, 高钠煤掺烧煤矸石抑制沾污结渣作用机制研究,2022.01-2024.12,主持。

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,21978003,煤直接液化过程中的自由基反应及结焦抑制机制研究,2020.1-2023.12, 66万元,联合主持。

3. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,21808002,超净煤化学链气化:载氧体催化裂解与载氧性能匹配关系和调控机制研究,2019.1-2021.12,主持。

4. 安徽省自然科学基金优秀青年基金,市政污泥混燃煤矸石原位脱硫减氮协同重金属固化机制研究,2023.9-2026.9,主持。

5. 安徽省教育厅青年皖江学者2022.1-2026.12,主持。

6. 安徽省教育厅优秀青年研究项目,煤基固废资源化利用与污染物原位减排研究,2023.1-2025.12,主持。

7. 安徽省留学回国人员创新扶持计划项目主持。

8. 安徽工业大学人才引进科研启动经费,主持。


1. Investigation of potassium and copper decorations of Carajas hematite on coal-fuelled chemical looping combustion performance, Fuel, 2021, 286, 119382.第一作者。(JCR Q1)

2.高碱煤与煤矸石掺烧SO2NO减排及结渣抑制研究,化工学报 (国内顶级), 2022, 73(12) 5581-5591.第一作者。

3. A study of gasification behavior of residues from mild coal hydro-liquefaction, Fuel,  2021, 293, 12045.第一作者。(JCR Q1)

4. Study on the pyrolysis kinetics of low-medium rank coals with distributed activation energy model, Fuel, 2020, 286, 116359.第一作者。(JCR Q1)

5. Molecular structure characterization of low-medium rank coals via XRD, solid state 13C NMR and FTIR spectroscopy, Fuel, 2020, 268, 117038.第一作者。(JCR Q1)

6. Kinetic analysis and modeling of coal pyrolysis with model-free methods.Fuel, 2019, 241, 382-391.第一作者。(JCR Q1)

7. Preparation and performance of Cu-based bimetallic oxygen carriers in chemical looping combustion with gaseous and solid fuels, Fuel Processing Technology, 2020,205,106463.第一作者。(JCR Q1)

8. Catalysis mechanism of solution loss reaction of metallurgical coke in blast furnace: Experimental and modeling studyFuel, 2021, 290, 120025.通讯作者。(JCR Q1)

9. Catalytic combustion of coke nuts and in-situ NO reduction under the action of steel scale, Fuel, 2021, 289, 119779.通讯作者。(JCR Q1)

10. Catalytic combustion of coke and NO reduction in-situ under the action of Fe, Fe-CaO and Fe-CeO2, Energy, 2021, 216, 119246.通讯作者。(JCR Q1)

11. Interactions of co-firing coal gangue and high sodium coal: Combustion characteristics and emission behaviors of polluting gases, Fuel, 2023, 339, 127382.第一作者。

12. Coal tar-derived conductive pigment/polyvinylidene fluoride composite for Joule heating , Progress in Organic Coating, 2023, 174, 107288.通讯作者。(JCR Q1)

13. Synergistic retention of heavy metals and in-situ reduction of NO and SO2 by co-combustion of sewage sludge and coal gangue: A promising approach for contaminant management and emission reduction, Fuel Processing Technology, 2023,252,107984.第一作者。(JCR Q1)

14. Hydro-liquefaction of the ashless coal from de-polymerization of Shengli lignite. Fuel, 2023, 349: 128653.通讯作者。(JCR Q1)

15. Interactions of co-firing coal gangue and high sodium coal: Combustion characteristics and emission behaviors of polluting gases. Fuel, 2023, 339: 127382. 通讯作者。(JCR Q1)

16. Preparation and performance of Cu-based bimetallic oxygen carriers in chemical looping combustion with gaseous and solid fuels. Fuel Processing Technology, 2020, 205: 106463. 第一作者。 (JCR Q1)

17. Kinetic analysis and modeling of coal pyrolysis with model-free methods. Fuel  , 2019, 241: 382-391. 第一作者。(JCR Q1)

18. Comparative study of low-temperature pyrolysis and solvent treatment on upgrading and hydro-liquefaction of brown coal. Fuel, 2017, 199: 598-605. 第一作者。(JCR Q1)

19. Direct liquefaction of a Chinese brown coal and CO2 gasification of the residues. Fuel, 2014, 136: 280-286. 第一作者。(JCR Q1)

20. Effects of organic solvent treatment on the chemical structure and pyrolysis reactivity of brown coal. Fuel, 2014, 128: 39-45. 第一作者。(JCR Q1)



1. 高钠煤掺烧矸石抑制煤灰结渣协同减排硫氮污染性气体研究. 2023年碳氢资源清洁高效利用国际会议,2023.8.31-9.4陕西,西安,口头报告。

2. In situ Reduction of polluting gases and retention of heavy metals through co-firing sewage sludge and coal gangue.10th International Symposium on coal Combustion, 2023.8.6-9 Shanxi, Taiyuan, Oral Presentation.

3. 煤矸石掺烧市政污泥强化重金属在灰渣中保留机制. 第二届低碳热转化国际研讨会,8.10-12 山西,大同,口头报告。

4. Co-firing high sodium coals with coal gangues to inhibit slagging and in-situ reduction of gas pollutants . 第四届全国工程热化学学术会议, 2022.7.28-30新疆,乌鲁木齐,口头报告。

5. Efficient and cheap catalysts based on steel scale-CaO composites for coke combustion and in-situ NO and SO2 removal. 2nd International Conference on Energy and Environment, 2021.7.23-25 Jiangsu, Xuzhou, Oral Presentation.

6. 焦丁在氧化铁皮作用下催化燃烧和NO原位减排研究. 第八届煤化工青年论坛,2021.5.7-9辽宁,沈阳,口头报告。

7. Pyrolysis kinetics of low-medium rank coals with model and model-free fitting method. 2019.11.26-28, Krakow, Poland, Oral Presentation.


1. 安徽省优青 2023

2. 安徽省高校优秀青年拔尖人才 2022

3. 青年皖江学者 2021